Wilma & Louise Yoga

Yoga: Unique, Luxurious, Non-slip mats

We love yoga. All kinds of it. Yoga can be about relaxation, hard-core training, or a way to find some peace in the hectic day-to-day life.

Wilma & Louise has designed a unique, beautiful and environmentally friendly yoga mat. It’s 100% biodegradable natural rubber with a luxurious outer layer of non-slip microfibers. This makes the yoga mat perfect for all types of yoga, including ashtanga, bikram, hatha, hot yoga, kundalini, power yoga, vinyasa and yin yoga. The grip is amazing when you are hot and the mat is a bit moist.

Wilma & Louise yoga mats are available in zebra, leopard, giraffe and safari patterns. Beige and gray colors.


Wilma & Louise yoga collection contains:

Beautiful and luxurious yoga mats that offers a magic grip in sweaty conditions, a grip that will improve further over time.

With its unique design the mats are also an interior decoration detail. There is no longer a reason to keep the yoga mat rolled up in the closed, let it stay on the floor and adorn your home. Carry strap is included.

About Yoga

Yoga is a hugely encompassing range of spiritual practices to align the mind, body and spirit. It is a path of self-enquiry, a way to travel inward, getting to know yourself and exploring your mind and body. It’s also a way of life covering aspects of how you conduct yourself in the world, your breath and your mind.

Types of yoga

There are so many types of yoga out there, so how do you know which one will be right for you?

Here's a brief summary of the history of yoga and the most popular types of modern yoga around.

The tradition began over 5000 years ago and was passed down by word of mouth for centuries.

The advent of modern yoga began in the late 1800s and in the 1920s, yogis including T. Krishnamacharya and Swami Sivananda promoted Hatha Yoga. Krishnamacharya opened a school in Mysore where he trained three followers who continued his legacy; Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar and T.K.V. Desikachar. These disciples developed Ashtanga, Iyengarand Viniyoga, respectively.


Taken to the US by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, this practice synchronises breath with the asana through a specific sequence which is accomplished in the same way each time. It starts with Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A) and Surya Namaskar B (Sun Salutation B), proceeds with a standing sequence, a seated sequence and closing sequence. Sometimes it is practiced Mysore-style which is self rather than teacher led.


Named after B.K.S. Iyengar, is focussed on alignment and pranayama. It specifically introduces the use of props and is often practiced at a slower pace for students to go deeper into the postures. It is also good for people with injuries or ailments.


A broad term for a yoga based on physical practice. It’s a great class to take as a beginner as it tends to be practiced at a slower pace.


Popularised in the US in the 1970s by Bikram Choudary consists of ninety minutes of twenty-six asana accompanied by two breathing exercises. It is performed in 105 degrees heat and at 40% humidity.


A more restorative and meditative type of practice which focusses on lengthening the connective tissue in the body and is often performed using props.


This is a derivative of Ashtanga yoga with the asana aligned with your breath. The pace is quick with asanas flowing from one to the next.

What Types of 'Beginners’ Classes are there?

Gyms and yoga studios will cater for beginners to yoga, often offering specific class types and times for those new to the practice. As a beginner, look for a ‘hatha yoga’ class which will be a broad range of physical asana practiced at a slower pace.

If you’re unsure what may be suitable to you at your local studio or gym, just explain your experience, what you’re looking for and ask for their advice.

Starter Asana

Some basics to practice before hitting your first class

If you’ve decided on which yoga you want to try but don’t want to dive in green, here are a few fundamental positions to try out before hitting your first class.

Sukhasana – Easy pose

This is a good one to start with and is what it says on the tin – an easy pose!

Tadasana – Mountain pose

Simple yet effective. Particularly in a world where people stand awkwardly shifting their weight unevenly. This pose helps balance and create a solid foundation for all standing asana.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Down Facing Dog

A very famous asana and something you will end up doing many times during a class.Runner’s Lunge

A good starter posture to open up the hips and stretch your hamstrings.

Balasana – Child’s pose

A very restorative posture and something you can come back to at any point during your practice.

Phalakasana – Plank pose

This asana is included in a Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) or Vinyasa sequence so a great one to master.

Ardha Bhujangasana - Baby Cobra

A great starter posture that will be included in any beginners’ Surya Namaskar or Vinyasa sequence.

Savasana – Corpse pose

THE most important asana in yoga. You will do this, at least, as a final asana in any class to help the body’s rest and digest process. Sometimes it is also included as an opener to the class.

When you first start out, don’t worry about creating the perfect posture, listen to your body and the postures will grow.

Yoga Sequences for Specific Results

Another beauty of yoga is that different asana and pranayama hold different benefits. Therefore, following a specific sequence can obtain specific results.

Check out the videos below for some great sequences for weight loss, calming, to cultivate self-love or compassion and flexibility.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Ashtanga, Vinyasa or Power Flow.

Yoga for Calming

Yin or Restorative Hatha Yoga.

Yoga for Compassion and Self-Love

Hatha yoga or Vinyasa Flow class focused on how you move.

Yoga for Flexibility

Yin yoga or Ashtanga if practiced frequently.